Source code for sgqlc.endpoint.base

Base Endpoint

Base interface for endpoints.

See concrete implementations:

 - :class:`sgqlc.endpoint.http.HTTPEndpoint` using

 - :class:`sgqlc.endpoint.requests.RequestsEndpoint` using

 - :class:`sgqlc.endpoint.websocket.WebSocketEndpoint` using

Example using :class:`sgqlc.endpoint.http.HTTPEndpoint`:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/basic/
   :language: python

See `more examples <>`_.

:license: ISC

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'

__all__ = ('BaseEndpoint',)

import logging
import urllib.parse

def add_query_to_url(url, extra_query):
    '''Adds an extra query to URL, returning the new URL.

    Extra query may be a dict or a list as returned by
    :func:`urllib.parse.parse_qsl()` and :func:`urllib.parse.parse_qs()`.

    split = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
    merged_query = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(split.query)
    if isinstance(extra_query, dict):
        for k, v in extra_query.items():
            if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
                merged_query.append((k, v))
                for cv in v:
                    merged_query.append((k, cv))

    merged_split = urllib.parse.SplitResult(
    return merged_split.geturl()

[docs]class BaseEndpoint: '''GraphQL endpoint access. The user of this class should create GraphQL queries and interpret the resulting object, created from JSON data, with top level properties: :data: object matching the GraphQL requests, or ``null`` if only errors were returned. :errors: list of errors, which are objects with the key "message" and optionally others, such as "location" (for errors matching GraphQL input). Instead of raising exceptions, such as :exc:`json.JSONDecodeError` those are stored in the "exception" key. Subclasses should extend errors providing meaningful messages and extra payload. .. note:: Both ``data`` and ``errors`` may be returned, for instance if a null-able field fails, it will be returned as null (Python ``None``) in data the associated error in the array. The class has its own :class:`logging.Logger` which is used to debug, info, warning and errors. Note that subclasses may override this logger. Error logging and conversion to uniform data structure similar to GraphQL, with ``{"errors": [...]}`` is done by :func:`BaseEndpoint._log_json_error()` and :func:`BaseEndpoint._log_graphql_error()` methods. This last one will show the snippets of GraphQL that failed execution. ''' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def __call__(self, query, variables=None, operation_name=None): '''Calls the GraphQL endpoint. :param query: the GraphQL query or mutation to execute. Note that this is converted using ``bytes()``, thus one may pass an object implementing ``__bytes__()`` method to return the query, eventually in more compact form (no indentation, etc). :type query: :class:`str` or :class:`bytes`. :param variables: variables (dict) to use with ``query``. This is only useful if the query or mutation contains ``$variableName``. Must be a **plain JSON-serializeable object** (dict with string keys and values being one of dict, list, tuple, str, int, float, bool, None... -- :func:`json.dumps` is used) and the keys must **match exactly** the variable names (no name conversion is done, no dollar-sign prefix ``$`` should be used). :type variables: dict :param operation_name: if more than one operation is listed in ``query``, then it should specify the one to be executed. :type operation_name: str :return: dict with optional fields ``data`` containing the GraphQL returned data as nested dict and ``errors`` with an array of errors. Note that both ``data`` and ``errors`` may be returned! :rtype: dict .. note:: Subclasses **must** implement this method, should respect this base signature and may extend with extra parameters such as timeout, extra headers and so on. ''' raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def _log_json_error(self, body, exc): '''Log a :exc:`json.JSONDecodeError`, converting to GraphQL's ``{"data": null, "errors": [{"message": str(exc)...}]}`` :param body: the string with JSON document. :type body: str :param exc: the :exc:`json.JSONDecodeError` :type exc: :exc:`json.JSONDecodeError` :return: GraphQL-compliant dict with keys ``data`` and ``errors``. :rtype: dict ''' self.logger.error('could not decode JSON response: %s', exc) return {'data': None, 'errors': [{ 'message': str(exc), 'exception': exc, 'body': body, }]}
[docs] def _fixup_graphql_error(self, data): '''Given a possible GraphQL error payload, make sure it's in shape. This will ensure the given ``data`` is in the shape: .. code-block:: json {"errors": [{"message": "some string"}]} If ``errors`` is not an array, it will be made into a single element array, with the object in that format, with its string representation being the message. If an element of the ``errors`` array is not in the format, then it's converted to the format, with its string representation being the message. The input object is not changed, a copy is made if needed. :return: the given ``data`` formatted to the correct shape, a copy is made and returned if any fix up was needed. :rtype: dict ''' original_data = data errors = data.get('errors') original_errors = errors if not isinstance(errors, list): self.logger.warning('data["errors"] is not a list! Fix up data=%r', data) data = data.copy() data['errors'] = [{'message': str(errors)}] return data for i, error in enumerate(errors): if not isinstance(error, dict): self.logger.warning('Error #%d: is not a dict: %r. Fix up!', i, error) if data is original_data: data = data.copy() if errors is original_errors: errors = errors.copy() data['errors'] = errors errors[i] = {'message': str(error)} continue message = error.get('message') if not isinstance(message, str): if data is original_data: data = data.copy() if errors is original_errors: errors = errors.copy() data['errors'] = errors message = str(error) if message is None else str(message) error = error.copy() error['message'] = message errors[i] = error return data
[docs] def _log_graphql_error(self, query, data): '''Log a ``{"errors": [...]}`` GraphQL return and return itself. :param query: the GraphQL query that triggered the result. :type query: str :param data: the decoded JSON object. :type data: dict :return: the input ``data`` :rtype: dict ''' if isinstance(query, bytes): # pragma: no cover query = query.decode('utf-8') elif not isinstance(query, str): # pragma: no cover # allows sgqlc.operation.Operation to be passed # and generate compact representation of the queries query = bytes(query).decode('utf-8') data = self._fixup_graphql_error(data) errors = data['errors'] self.logger.error('GraphQL query failed with %s errors', len(errors)) for i, error in enumerate(errors): paths = error.get('path') if paths: paths = ' ' + '/'.join(str(path) for path in paths) else: paths = '''Error #{}{}:'.format(i, paths)) for ln in error.get('message', '').split('\n'):' | {}'.format(ln)) s = self.snippet(query, error.get('locations')) if s:' -')' | Locations:') for ln in s:' | {}'.format(ln)) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def snippet(code, locations, sep=' | ', colmark=('-', '^'), context=5): '''Given a code and list of locations, convert to snippet lines. return will include line number, a separator (``sep``), then line contents. At most ``context`` lines are shown before each location line. After each location line, the column is marked using ``colmark``. The first character is repeated up to column, the second character is used only once. :return: list of lines of sources or column markups. :rtype: list ''' if not locations: return [] lines = code.split('\n') offset = int(len(lines) / 10) + 1 linenofmt = '%{}d'.format(offset) s = [] for loc in locations: line = max(0, loc.get('line', 1) - 1) column = max(0, loc.get('column', 1) - 1) start_line = max(0, line - context) for i, ln in enumerate(lines[start_line:line + 1], start_line): s.append('{}{}{}'.format(linenofmt % i, sep, ln)) s.append('{}{}{}'.format(' ' * (offset + len(sep)), colmark[0] * column, colmark[1])) return s